Chapter Fourteen, part 1. Hypovolemic States


  1. JCI - Phenotypic and pharmacogenetic evaluation of patients with thiazide-induced hyponatremia and a nice review of this topic: Altered Prostaglandin Signaling as a Cause of Thiazide-Induced Hyponatremia

  2. The electrolyte concentration of human gastric secretion.

  3. A classic by Danovitch and Bricker: Reversibility of the “Salt-Losing” Tendency of Chronic Renal Failure | NEJM

  4. Osmotic Diuresis Due to Retained Urea after Release of Obstructive Uropathy | NEJM

  5. Is This Patient Hypovolemic? | Cardiology | JAMA
    And by the same author, a textbook: Steven McGee. 5th edition. Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis Elsevier Philadelphia 2022. ISBN-13: 978-0323754835

  6. The clinical course and pathophysiological investigation of adolescent gestational diabetes insipidus: a case report | BMC Endocrine Disorders

  7. Sensitivity and specificity of clinical signs for assessment of dehydration in endurance athletes | British Journal of Sports Medicine

  8. Diagnostic performance of serum blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ratio for distinguishing prerenal from intrinsic acute kidney injury in the emergency department | BMC Nephrology

  9. The meaning of the blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio in acute kidney injury - PMC

  10. Language guiding therapy: the case for dehydration vs volume depletion

  11. Validation of a noninvasive monitor to continuously trend individual responses to hypovolemia

    References for Anna’s voice of God on Third Spacing :  Shires Paper from 1964  (The ‘third space’ – fact or fiction? )

    References for melanie’s VOG:

    1. Appraising the Preclinical Evidence of the Role of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Antenatal Programming of Maternal and Offspring Cardiovascular Health Across the Life Course: Moving the Field Forward: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

    2. excellent review of RAAS in pregnancy: The enigma of continual plasma volume expansion in pregnancy: critical role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

    3. 10.1172/JCI107462- classic study in JCI of AngII responsiveness during pregnancy

    4. William’s Obstetrics 26th edition!

    5. Feto-maternal osmotic balance at term. A prospective observational study


Chapter 14

- Hypovolemic States

- Etiology

- True volume depletion occurs when fluid is lost from from the extracellular fluid at a rate exceeding intake

- Can come the GI tract

- Lungs

- Urine

- Sequestration in the body in a “third space” that is not in equilibrium with the extracellular fluid.

- When losses occur two responses ameliorate them

- Our intake of Na and fluid is way above basal needs

- This is not the case with anorexia or vomiting

- The kidney responds by minimizing further urinary losses

- This adaptive response is why diuretics do not cause progressive volume depletion

- Initial volume loss stimulates RAAS, and possibly other compensatory mechanisms, resulting increased proximal and collecting tubule Na reabsorption.

- This balances the diuretic effect resulting in a new steady state in 1-2weeks

- New steady state means Na in = Na out

- GI Losses

- Stomach, pancreas, GB, and intestines secretes 3-6 liters a day.

- Almost all is reabsorbed with only loss of 100-200 ml in stool a day

- Volume depletion can result from surgical drainage or failure of reabsorption

- Acid base disturbances with GI losses

- Stomach losses cause metabolic alkalosis

- Intestinal, pancreatic and biliary secretions are alkalotic so losing them causes metabolic acidosis

- Fistulas, laxative abuse, diarrhea, ostomies, tube drainage

- High content of potassium so associated with hypokalemia

- [This is a mistake for stomach losses]

- Bleeding from the GI tract can also cause volume depletion

- No electrolyte disorders from this unless lactic acidosis

- Renal losses

- 130-180 liters filtered every day

- 98-99% reabsorbed

- Urine output of 1-2 liters

- A small 1-2% decrease in reabsorption can lead to 2-4 liter increase in Na and Water excretion

- 4 liters of urine output is the goal of therapeutic diuresis which means a reduction of fluid reabsorption of only 2%

- Diuretics

- Osmotic diuretics

- Severe hyperglycemia can contribute to a fluid deficit of 8-10 Iiters

- CKD with GFR < 25 are poor Na conservers

- Obligate sodium losses of 10 to 40 mEq/day

- Normal people can reduce obligate Na losses down to 5 mEq/day

- Usually not a problem because most people eat way more than 10-40 mEq of Na a day.

- Salt wasting nephropathies

- Water losses of 2 liters a day

- 100 mEq of Na a day

- Tubular and interstitial diseases

- Medullary cystic kidney

- Mechanism

- Increased urea can be an osmotic diuretic

- Damage to tubular epithelium can make it aldo resistant

- Inability to shut off natriuretic hormone (ANP?)

- The decreased nephro number means they need to be able to decrease sodium reabsorption per nephron. This may not be able to be shut down acutely.

- Experiment, salt wasters can stay in balance if sodium intake is slowly decreased. (Think weeks)

- Talks about post obstruction diuresis

- Says it is usually appropriate rather than inappropriate physiology.

- Usually catch up solute and water clearance after releasing obstruction

- Recommends 50-75/hr of half normal saline

- Talks briefly about DI

- Skin and respiratory losses

- 700-1000 ml of water lost daily by evaporation, insensible losses (not sweat)

- Can rise to 1-2 liters per hour in dry hot climate

- 30-50 mEq/L Na

- Thirst is primary compensation for this

- Sweat sodium losses can result in hypovolemia

- Burns and exudative skin losses changes the nature of fluid losses resulting in fluid losses more similar to plasma with a variable amount of protein

- Bronchorrhea

- Sequestration into a third space

- Volume Deficiency produced by the loss of interstitial and intravascular fluid into a third space that is not in equilibrium with the extracellular fluid.

- Hip fracture 1500-2000 into tissues adjacent to fxr

- Intestinal obstruction, severe pancreatitis, crush injury, bleeding, peritonitis, obstruction of a major venous system

- Difference between 3rd space and cirrhosis ascities

- Rate of accumulation, if the rate is slow enough there is time for renal sodium and water compensation to maintain balance.

- So cirrhotics get edema from salt retension and do not act as hypovolemia

- Hemodynamic response to volume depletion

- Initial volume deficit reduced venous return to heart

- Detected by cardiopulmonary receptors in atria and pulmonary veins leading to sympathetic vasoconstriction in skin and skeletal muscle.

- More marked depletion will result in decreased cardiac output and decrease in BP

- This drop in BP is now detected by carotid and aortic arch baroreceptors resulting in splanchnic and renal circulation vasoconstriction

- This maintains cardiac and cerebral circulation

- Returns BP toward normal

- Increase in BP due to increased venous return

- Increased cardiac contractility and heart rate

- Increased vascular resistance

- Sympathetic tone

- Renin leading to Ang2

- These can compensate for 500 ml of blood loss (10%)

- Unless there is autonomic dysfunction

- With 16-25% loss this will not compensate for BP when patient upright

- Postural dizziness

- Symptoms

- Three sets of symptoms can occur in hypovolemic patients

- Those related to the manner in which the fluid loss occurs

- Vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Polyuria

- Those due to volume depletion

- Those due to the electrode and acid base disorders that can accompany volume depletion

- The symptoms of volume depletion are primarily related to the decrease in tissue perfusion

- Early symptoms

- Lassitude

- Fatiguability

- Thirst

- Muscle cramps

- Postural dizziness

- As it gets more severe

- Abdominal pain

- Chest pain

- Lethargy

- Confusion

- Symptomatic hypovolemia is most common with isosmotic Na and water depletion

- In contrast pure water loss, causes hypernatremia, which results in movement of water from the intracellular compartment to the extracellular compartment, so that 2/3s of volume loss comes from the intracellular compartment, which minimizes the decrease in perfusion

- Electrolyte disorders and symptoms

- Muscle weakness from hypokalemia

- Polyuria/poly dips is from hyperglycemia and hypokalemia

- Lethargy, confusion, Seizures, coma from hyponatremia, hypernatremia, hyperglycemia

- Extreme salt craving is unique to adrenal insufficiency

- Eating salt off hands ref 18

- Evaluation of the hypovolemic patient

- Know that if the losses are insensible then the sodium should rise

- Volume depletion refers to extracellular volume depletion of any cause, while dehydration refers to the presence of hypernatremia due to pure water loss. Such patients are also hypovolemic.

- Physical exam is insensitive and nonspecific

- Finding most sensitive and specific finding for bleeding is postural changes in blood pressure

- I don’t find this very specific at all!

- Recommends laboratory confirmation regardless of physical exam

- Skin and mucous membranes

- Should return too shape quickly

- Elastic property is called Turgur

- Not reliable is patients older than 55 to 60

- Dry axilla

- Dry mucus membranes

- Dark skin in Addison’s disease Frim increased ACTH

- Arterial BP

- As volume goes down so does arterial BP

- Marked fluid loss leads to quiet korotkoff signs

- Interpret BP in terms of the patients “normal BP”

- Venous pressure

- Best done by looking at the JVP

- Right atrial and left atrial pressure

- LV EDP is RAP + 5 mmHg

- Be careful if valvular disease, right heart failure, cor pulmonare,

- Figure 14-2

- Shock

- 30% blood loss

- Lab Data

- Urine Na concentration

- Should be less than 25 mmol/L, can go as low as 1 mmol/L

- Metabolic alkalosis can throw this off

- Look to the urine chloride

- Figure 14-3

- Renal artery stenosis can throw this off

- FENa

- Mentions that it doesn’t work so well at high GFR

- Urine osmolality

- Indicates ADH

- Volume depletion often associated with urine osm > 450

- Impaired by

- Renal disease

- Osmotic diuretic

- Diuretics

- DI

- Mentions that severe volume depletion and hypokalemia impairs urea retension in renal medulla

- Points out that isotonic urine does not rule out hypovolemia

- Mentions specific gravity

- BUN and Cr concentration

- Normal ratio is 10:1

- Volume depletion this goes to 20:1

- Serum Na

- Talks about diarrhea

- Difference between secretory diarrhea which is isotonic and just causes hypovolemia

- And osmotic which results in a lower electrolyte content and development of hypernatremia

- Talks about hyperglycemia

- Also can cause the sodium to rise from the low electrolyte content of the urine

- But the pseudohyponatraemia can protect against this

- Plasma potassium