Chapter 18 addendum

After publishing chapter 18 part 1, I was listening to it and realized we missed an opportunity to clarify something that was vexing Rose. He said that the mechanism by which bicarbonate reabsorption was maintained was not fully worked out but that had been localized to the distal nephron. What he is outlining is pendrin. Here is the apology that was subsequently added to the podcast at 43:10

When I do these edits I listen to the podcast, 5 or 6 times, yet I still missed this.

When Burton Rose says that the mechanism is not completely worked out but it seems to be due to increased H secretion in the distal nephron what he is talking about is a yet undiscovered Pendrin,

Rose had the whole puzzle layed out but it was missing one final piece. He could describe the shape and features of this last piece but he didn’t know its identity.

We now know that the final piece is pendrin, which we talk about in a bit of detail later in the podcast, but I think it is useful context to understand that the gaps in Rose’s knowledge have subsequently been filled and that in this part of the chapter he all but predicts the existence of Pendrin, like an astronomer seeing the wobbles of nearby planets and predicting the existence of an unseen moon.

I can’t believe we missed this live while we were recording and I embarrassed that I missed it during my edits.